New preprint out!

We are very excited to share our first preprint, just out in bioRxiv! Take a look at what the first authors, Max and Alba, have to say about it on …

Alba presents at SMLMS 2023

Alba presented her work on MINFLUX tracking in the Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy Symposium (SMLMS) 2023, hosted at the IMP in Vienna!

Welcome Juan!

One of the three new members joining simultaneously during SMLMS 2023, Juan is a new postdoc in the lab. Learn more about him in our Team tab.

Welcome Karina!

One of the three new members joining simultaneously during SMLMS 2023, Karina is our new research assistant/lab manager. Learn more about her in our Team tab.

Welcome Paul!

One of the three new members joining simultaneously during SMLMS 2023, Paul is a new PhD student in the lab. Learn more about him in our Team tab.